Episode 158: Julie Clark

Julie Clark specializes in carbohydrate addiction diagnosis and treatment for individuals who’ve had bariatric surgery (or are considering having it). In addition, she helps clients determine whether post-op nutritional malabsorption is a problem for them. If so, she guides them in restoring proper nutrition, thereby reducing addictive cravings and improving mental and physical health.

Julie herself is maintaining a 200+lb weight loss at her ideal weight, gratefully in remission from addiction. She is an INFACT-Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP), Certified in Holistic Medicine for Addiction® (HMA®), Licensed and Certified to provide SUGAR® Food/Carb Addiction Assessments. She is trained in Ketogenic Eating for Mental Health.

Julie provides a structured recovery process through her Signature Coaching Program at BariatricBreakthrough.Com, helping clients achieve stable addiction recovery with improved health and well-being.

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 159: J. Hannah


Episode 157: CJ Nguy - Host of the NEW Food Junkies: Recovery from Food Addiction Stories