Episode 18: Sara Somers

We are so excited to have author Sara Somers on this episode. For nearly 50 years she suffered from untreated food addiction. She wrote “Saving Sara” to provide readers with an inside view of a food addict's mind, showcasing her experiences with obsessive cravings, compulsivity, and powerlessness regarding food. She hopes this book will not only help those still suffering from the disease of food addiction but also educate loved ones on the progression of the disease in order to promote life-saving conversations with those still suffering.

Sara Somers is a retired licensed psychotherapist currently living in Paris. Originally she lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is the author of Saving Sara: A Memoir of Food Addiction, which is her story of living as a food addict for 34 years and then how she found recovery. Like us in the Food Junkies podcast, she has devoted her life since her recovery towards helping people with food addiction. She has a blog on Food Addiction: www.saving-sara.org.

Today, we are mixing it up a little and Sara is going to read a selection from her book she felt our listeners could most definitely relate to. She then vulnerably shares how even after she is introduced to the solution that will eventually end up saving her life, the sheer strength of her addiction didn’t allow her to accept her disease. Twenty-six more years pass until she finally finds her way back to that abstinent solution. This is a story of hope, a message to hold on, to not give up, that recovery is waiting for you if you just keep seeking it.

On This Episode:

Sara shares her AHA moment

How she handles using her scale in restaurants to weigh & measure her food

How she manages her daily recovery

Her thoughts on how friends & family can support the food addict

How Addiction Transfer affected her recovery from food

The experience of getting her book published & how it’s changed her life

Follow Sara:

Buy Her Book: https://www.amazon.ca/.../B07VBKZK3Y/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0...

Blog: www.sarasomers.com

Instagram: savingsarathebook

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The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


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