Episode 58: Coach Mary Roberts (KetoMary71)

Mary Roberts spent the majority of her life battling sugar addiction and various stages of obesity. Through living a Ketogenic Lifestyle, she has overcome obesity and maintains control over her food addiction and her health. She is a recovering bulimic, compulsive overeater/binge eater and has over 6 years of food sobriety.

Mary is passionate about helping people navigate a ketogenic way of eating and overcoming their dysfunctional relationship with food. Keto literally saved her life and she wants other people to know they don’t have to suffer.

Mary has experience working with clients to overcome eating disorders such as binge eating disorder and bulimia. Several of her clients have reversed their Type 2 Diabetes, learned to manage their Type 1 without extreme highs and lows, managed their autoimmune diseases, overcame obesity, lowered their high cholesterol, lowered their high blood pressure, and overcoming their food/sugar addiction.

In this episode:

How food addiction has impacted Mary’s life

What life in recovery is like now

How Mary works with clients

What works best? What does not work well?

How she has evolved her coaching with clients

What actions lead her clients to success

Body Image concerns 

Signature Question

Follow Mary:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ketomary71/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ketomary71

Website: https://ketogeniclifestylecoaching.com/get-coaching/coaches/mary-roberts/



Episode 59: Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D


Episode 57: Dr. Ted Naiman