Episode 65: Dr. Tracy Burrows & Mark Leary (TRACE Program)

In episode 64 we introduced you to Kathryn Kearsey from our 1st Food Addiction Research Clinical Study Group. Clarissa and I “represent Team North America” and have facilitated 3 total groups so far. We will be presenting our results concerning this level of Food Addiction Treatment in Bristol, England on Friday, May 20th at the International Food Addiction Conference.

We have been pleased with the results thus far and are looking forward to this opportunity to bring more awareness about the NEED for the treatment of this disease.

We are also excited to connect with the world’s leading experts in Food Addiction and if you get the chance, you should join us as well. We would love to meet YOU! There is just nothing like in person after zooming our brains out for the last two years.

If you are interested in attending – Be sure to check the show notes OR google PHC Food Addiction Conference….The Public Health Collaboration is the one funding our study which is still ongoing.

If you are looking to be a future participant, we are looking at starting two more study groups in June. Reach out and let us know if you are interested! Check the show notes for one way to connect!

In this episode, Clarissa and I interviewed Mark Leary and Tracy Burrows of the Targeted Research on Addictive and Compulsive Eating (TRACE) Program.

Mark Leary

Mark Leary is a Ph.D. student at the University of Newcastle. He is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) who has been working in private practice for the last 9 years. He is interested in how addictive eating behaviors can impact the health of individuals and his research focuses on improving these eating behaviors to help improve health outcomes.

Professor Tracy Burrows

Professor Tracy Burrows is the team leader of TRACE Dietetics at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and a researcher at Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI). She is a skilled clinician and researcher, recognized as a Fellow of Dietitians Australia. She is passionate about nutrition and mental health to enable individuals to achieve a healthier quality of life. She is a highly published author, conference presenter, and recipient of numerous awards for her research.


The TRACE Program has been built over years of research in the field of addictive eating. It is based on current scientific evidence, including input from individuals with lived experience with addictive eating.

The TRACE Program is designed for individuals with symptoms of addictive eating. The aim is to increase an individual’s awareness of how food is often used or consumed with mood and equip individuals with strategies to improve their addictive eating behaviors.


The first step is an initial assessment to find out about each individual's personality, addictive eating, and lifestyle behaviors. This information is used to tailor the program. The program includes five modules:

 Module 1: Personality

Module 2: Food

Module 3: Skills

Module 4: Confidence

Module 5: Moving forwards

The program includes a workbook to assist individuals in working through each of the modules.

What to Expect in this Episode:

How Mark and Tracy became involved in studying Addictive and Compulsive Eating

Clearing up some confusion on terminology being used in research

What personal characteristics TRACE Program has found about individuals seeking treatment

The best hopes for outcomes based on the research and how might this help get Food Addiction recognized by the World Health Organization and American Psychiatric Association

The importance of thorough screening

Tracy and Mark answer our question about “Best” strategies and confirm what we know – there is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL when it comes to recovery tools

We find out their findings on fasting vs feeding, the brain, and those with Food Addiction/Addictive Eating

Oxytocin and how it relates to addiction/addictive eating

Volume eating

What’s next for the TRACE Program

Signature question

Follow TRACE Program:

Website: https://www.tracedietetics.com.au/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProfTBurrows

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-burrows-306b531a5/


International Food Addiction Conference

Website: https://phcuk.org/phc-conference-2022/

Research Group Participation

Contact Info: https://forms.gle/KZAguiVDmc2YNpCo6

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 66: Nancy Kaley (COR Retreat)


Episode 64: Kathryn Kearsey